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Godziny otwarcia

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 2.30PM

Henna brow tinting is taking the world by storm in the brow industry and is the go-to tinting method for brow artists and clients because of its long-lasting results on the skin and the hair compared to regular tint. 


Henna brows are taking the world by storm for a number of reasons.

Regular brow tinting usually only lasts on the skin for around 1-3 days and that’s only if you avoid washing your brow area (which isn’t the cleanest option). Regular brow tinting also cannot fully disguise an over-plucked brow in desperate need of brow rehab or an awful result from Spmu or microblading.

We created the ombré brow treatment using the best henna products on the market. Ekko Beauty Brow Henna is a special based Organic formula based on all-natural ingredients. What’s extra exciting about Ekko Beauty brow Henna is that It not only gives the eyebrows stunning volume and expressive colour, but the ingredients also help restore weak and damaged hairs and can restore your brow hair growth up to 60%.


Ekko Beauty Brow Henna provides optimal colouring of eyebrows and skin with a soft ombré semi-permanent make up effect without giving you reddish tones. It’s a great treatment for those of you scared to go under the needle with cosmetic brows but still want that effect. The phenomenal fortitude of the product’s ingredients allows the henna to stay on the hairs for up to six weeks and the skin for up to 2 weeks providing the skin isn’t too oily.

No hydrogen peroxide or special oxidizer is required for comfortable application of Ekko Beauty Brow Henna like a regular tint. Just the henna powder and mineral water so you can see how it would help to maintain the condition of your brows.

Ekko Beauty Brow Henna’s rich colour palette features 10 universal shades which can be used either individually or combined with each other. We can easily find the perfect combination for any type of skin and hair colour. The features of the dye allow for us to create any bespoke brow shape even if the brow hair isn’t present.


The henna brow treatments can be combined with hair removal techniques to give you a clean structured finish. We call this The Works using Henna.

You would return on average every 4 to 6 weeks for The Works with Henna. You can also just have the henna tinting done on its own.


  • When making a booking for your henna brows you will be required to pop into the salon for a patch test this must be done 48 hours prior to your treatment.
  • Henna tint works best on the cleanest possible skin. It’s very good to softly exfoliate your brows on the run up to your appointment to help remove the dead skin cells this will enable the henna to really grab on to the skin.
  • Avoid fake tanning 3 days prior to the treatment this can alter the henna stain.


  • Do not rub the area treated.
  • Avoid heat treatments for 24 hours.
  • Do not apply brow make-up for at least 24 hours after your treatment.
  • Avoid sunbathing for 24 hours, as this can cause the tint to fade.
  • Swimming/saunas are to be avoided for at least 24 hours after your treatment.
  • No perfumed products for at least 24 hours after your treatment.
  • Please note that oil based make up remover can cause the tint to fade quicker.
  • Exposure to the sun/UV lights for long periods can cause the tint to fade quicker.
  • Use a clear brow gel or brow soap twice daily to help them stay put and adhere to the skin.
  • No self-tanning products to the area for 24 hours. Self-tanning products may alter the tint colour, so we recommend using these with caution around your brows.